Breeding Birds Survey
* required fields
(A) Observer’s details
Your Name*:
Email Address*:
Date of submission of this report:
Telephone (optional):
(B) Breeding observation
Date of observation:
: (with nearest village/ town, and District/Province, or Google co-ordinates)
Number of nests observed:
Active nests:
Abandoned nests:
Please mark (tick) the activity/ies noted related to observation of breeding:
Male Singing
Courtship display
Pair copulating
Collecting nesting material
Building nest/s
Newly completed nest/s with parent birds in vicinity
Eggs in the nest/s
Young in the nest/s
Feeding young in the nest/s
Fledglings outside but in vicinity of the nest/s
Juvenile bird/s observed with parents elsewhere (not near a nest)
Abandoned nest/s
Nest predation:
Eggs or nestlings predated
Predator species (which species of birds / mammals, including human / reptiles)
Nest parasitism by other bird species, i.e. Cuckoos:
Parasite species, if identifiable from juvenile (state if certain, suggest even if doubtful)
Additional notes and comments if any:
If photographic evidence of the nesting is available then you may attach one image here
Upload your photo: